Ethylene Dichloride from Ethylene and Chlorine - Cost Analysis - EDC E12A

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Ethylene Dichloride from Ethylene and Chlorine - Cost Analysis - EDC E12A

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Judul: Ethylene Dichloride from Ethylene and Chlorine - Cost Analysis - EDC E12A
Penulis: Intratec
Abstrak: This report presents a cost analysis of Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) production from ethylene and chlorine using a direct chlorination process. The process examined is similar to Vinnolit process. This process consists in a liquid-phase low temperature chlorination (LTC). This report examines one-time costs associated with the construction of a United States-based plant and the continuing costs associated with the daily operation of such a plant. More specifically, it discusses: * Capital Investment, broken down by: - Total fixed capital required, divided in production unit (ISBL); infrastructure (OSBL) and contingency - Alternative perspective on the total fixed capital, divided in direct costs, indirect costs and contingency - Working capital and costs incurred during industrial plant commissioning and start-up * Production cost, broken down by: - Manufacturing variable costs (raw materials, utilities) - Manufacturing fixed costs (maintenance costs, operating charges, plant overhead, local taxes and insurance) - Depreciation and corporate overhead costs * Raw materials consumption, products generation and labor requirements * Process block flow diagram and description of industrial site installations (production unit and infrastructure) Keywords: Ethene, 1,2-Dichloroethane, Vinnolit, Westlake
Tanggal: 2022-10-17

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