Selection of Outputs for Distributed Parameter Systems

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Selection of Outputs for Distributed Parameter Systems

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Judul: Selection of Outputs for Distributed Parameter Systems
Penulis: Danai Kourosh; Teergele Jane
Abstrak: A method of sensor location selection is introduced for distributed parameter systems. In this method, the sensitivities of spatial outputs to model parameters are computed by a model and transformed via continuous wavelet transforms into the time-scale domain to characterize the shape attributes of output sensitivities and accentuate their di erences. Regions are then sought in the time-scale plane wherein the wavelet coe cient of an output-sensitivity surpasses all the others' as indication of the output sensitivity's uniqueness. This method yields a comprehensive account of identifiability each output provides for the model parameters as the basis of output selection. This output selection strategy is evaluated for a numerical case of pollutant dispersion by advection and discussion in a two-dimensional area.
Tanggal: 2022-12-05

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