Noun Phrases and Nominalizations

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Noun Phrases and Nominalizations

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Judul: Noun Phrases and Nominalizations
Penulis: T. Siloni
Abstrak: In this doctoral dissertation offshoot, Siloni (Tel Aviv U., Israel) concentrates mainly on modern Hebrew in exploring "the wonders of nominal expressions": theoretical linguistic issues (supporting Chomsky's principles and parameters approach to an innate universal grammar faculty), as well as the structural syntactical functions of noun raising and genitival relations, event nominals, semi-relatives and reduced relatives, and verbal and nominal gerunds. A comparative analysis of the properties of Hebrew grammar with other Semitic and non-Semitic languages is also rendered. Abbreviations (not including "DP," however) and references are provided. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Tanggal: 2022-12-05

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