Innovative Applications of Educational Technology Tools in Teaching and Learning

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Innovative Applications of Educational Technology Tools in Teaching and Learning

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Judul: Innovative Applications of Educational Technology Tools in Teaching and Learning
Penulis: Blessing Foluso Adeoye Ph.D.
Abstrak: In this digital age, technology has become a very vital factor of development in all disciplines. Every day new software, devices and other technologies are being developed to improve lives in one way or another. Technology in its broadest terms could include the collection of tools, machinery, devices, modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans. However, in the context of Educational Technology as presented in this book, it is understood as technologies that have arrived with the Information Revolution i.e. those associated with computers and Information Communication Technology. Examples of such technologies are electronics devices, computer, video, collaborative writing tools, social networking and the Internet. Innovative applications of technology in the classroom mean more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in the class. It must happen across the disciplines and curriculum in ways that teaching and learning processes can be enhanced. It must also support active engagement, group participation, local and global collaboration, and interaction. This book presents innovative applications of educational technology tools in teaching and learning across various disciplines.
Tanggal: 2022-12-16

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