E-Commerce - SBPD Publications

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E-Commerce - SBPD Publications

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Judul: E-Commerce - SBPD Publications
Penulis: ; Dr. Sandeep Srivastava; Er. Meera Goyal; Shalu Porwal
Abstrak: 1. Internet, 2 . Electronics Commerce Fundamentals, 3. Online Transaction, 4. E-Commerce Applications, 5. Supply Chain Management : The Business Network, 6. ustomer Relationship Management, 7. E-Payment System, 8. Models or Methods of E-Payment, 9. Models or Methods of E-Payment System—Part-2, 10 . E-Banking/Online Banking, 11. IT ACT of India 2000, 12. IT Infrastructure, 13. E-Security, 14. Technology Solutions, 15. Website Designing Using HTML & CSS, Appendix.
URI: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=NkFPEAAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-10-02

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