Research Ethics in the Digital Age

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Research Ethics in the Digital Age

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Judul: Research Ethics in the Digital Age
Penulis: Farina Madita Dobrick; Jana Fischer; Lutz M. Hagen
Abstrak: The book discusses the multiple issues of a digital research ethic in its interdisciplinary diversity. Digitization and mediatization alter social behavior and cultural traditions, thereby generating new objects of study and new research questions for the social sciences and humanities. Furthermore, mediatization and digitization increase the data volume and accessibility of (quantitative) research and proliferate methodological opportunities for scientific analyses. Hence, they profoundly affect research practices in multiple ways. While consequences concerning the subjects, objects, and addressees of research in the social sciences and humanities have rarely been reflected upon, this reflection lies at the center of the book.
Tanggal: 2022-10-03

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