Handbook of Research on TPACK in the Digital Age

Publikasi Unusia

Handbook of Research on TPACK in the Digital Age

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Judul: Handbook of Research on TPACK in the Digital Age
Penulis: Angeli; Charoula; Gillow-Wiles; Henry; Margaret L.; Niess
Abstrak: The impact of digital technologies in education has called for teachers to be prepared to facilitate their students’ learning through communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. In order to create ideal learning environments for their students, teachers must develop a more integrated knowledge for infusing digital technologies as learning tools, a knowledge referred to as TPACK. The Handbook of Research on TPACK in the Digital Age provides innovative insights into teacher preparation for the effective integration of digital technologies into the classroom. The content within this publication represents the work of online learning, digital technologies, and pedagogical strategies. It is designed for teachers, educational designers, instructional technology faculty, administrators, academicians, and education graduate students, and covers topics centered on classroom technology integration and teacher knowledge and support.
URI: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=S3NyDwAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-10-03

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