Medical Arabic

Publikasi Unusia

Medical Arabic

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Judul: Medical Arabic
Penulis: Abderrahman Zouhir; Abdulqadir Abdulkarim
Abstrak: Medical Arabic is a valuable resource for students interested in learning medical Arabic at ACTFL level Advanced Low. Effective communication is essential in healthcare, and communication is most effective when both parties share a common language, therefore, resulting in a comfortable relationship between healthcare provider and patient. This textbook is intended for those with prior knowledge of Arabic language and grammar. It is designed to provide students with the linguistic and cultural competencies and medical Arabic terminology necessary to communicate in medical settings such as a hospital, clinic or a community health care facility. Students will be able to ask questions in Arabic and provide answers in common medical situations, conduct patient interviews and understand a wider variety of possible responses from patients. The book provides clear explanations of medical vocabulary and concepts as they occur in the reading materials to encourage active interaction with the text. The book drills are designed as either in-class exercises or homework. The answer key for the book exercises is also provided as a downloadable eResource. Written by dynamic authors who taught Arabic as a foreign language for several years and reviewed by physicians and professionals in the field, the book is an essential guide for students in medical school, professionals in the field, biology, or other science majors. Students will find Medical Arabic more than merely a textbook but rather a pathway to enhance their communication skills effectively.
Tanggal: 2022-10-09

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