Delivering Voice Over Frame Relay and ATM

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Delivering Voice Over Frame Relay and ATM

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Judul: Delivering Voice Over Frame Relay and ATM
Penulis: Daniel Minoli; Emma Minoli
Abstrak: Develop cost-effective, long-term solutions for packetized voice Analysts agree that within the next decade virtually all telecommunication traffic will travel over packet networks. Should your packetized voice be delivered over layer 2 networks such as ATM or frame relay, or over layer 3 IP networks? What are the challenges associated with ATM and frame relay? Drawing upon years of practical and research experience with both voice over ATM and voice over frame relay, the authors consider the advantages and disadvantages of frame relay and ATM versus IP networks. The book covers engineering requirements in depth and suggests likely interim steps for scaling up to a voice over data network by providing: * A telephony tutorial for network managers * Comparative assessments of voice over frame relay, ATM, and the Internet * Overviews of all the enabling technologies involved * In-depth coverage of voice characteristics, compression standards, and QoS * An extensive case study illustrating the pros and cons of voice over data * Guidelines to help you decide when (or whether) to invest in voice over data technology, and how to choose the best type for your organization. Visit our websitte at
Tanggal: 2022-10-17

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