Vinyl Chloride Production from Ethylene and EDC - Cost Analysis - VCM E51A

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Vinyl Chloride Production from Ethylene and EDC - Cost Analysis - VCM E51A

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Judul: Vinyl Chloride Production from Ethylene and EDC - Cost Analysis - VCM E51A
Penulis: Intratec
Abstrak: This report presents a cost analysis of Vinyl Chloride production from ethylene and ethylene dichloride (EDC). The process examined combines: (1) EDC production from ethylene via oxychlorination, and (2) Vinyl Chloride production via thermal cracking of EDC. The EDC cracking generates hydrogen chloride (HCl) used as raw material in the oxychlorination. The HCl requirement is balanced by purchasing additional EDC from the market. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): Keywords: Chloroethene, 1,2-Dichloroethane, Vinnolit, OxyVinyls, Thermal Cracking, Oxychlorination
Tanggal: 2022-10-17

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