An Introduction to Communication Studies

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An Introduction to Communication Studies

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Judul: An Introduction to Communication Studies
Penulis: Sheila Steinberg
Abstrak: In this introductory textbook, the author contextualises approaches and theories on cornmunication studies by making use of local examples from the mass media, as well as relevant political and social experiences. The book is divided into two parts. The first provides students with a strong foundation in communication while the second focuses on the areas of specialisation within communication studies. Each chapter starts with the learning Outcomes and a short overview of the chapter. Students can monitor their learning by using the summaries and 'test yourself' questions at the end of every chapter. Scenarios provide examples of how the theory can be applied in practice. This makes for a learner-friendly and accessible book which will prove invaluable to Students and professionals alike. Beginner students majoring in Communication Studies, as well as those studying towards various degrees or qualifications where communication is a prerequisite will find this book useful.
Tanggal: 2022-11-08

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