Acoustics in Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences

Publikasi Unusia

Acoustics in Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences

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Judul: Acoustics in Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
Penulis: Ian R. A. MacKay
Abstrak: Acoustics in Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences: An Introduction gives readers a clear, comprehensive understanding of acoustics in the context of human communications through examples and analogies from everyday life or general experience. Mathematically the book stops short of calculus, using inductive reasoning to present material that can be proven only with calculus, and presenting multiple examples of mathematical calculations, with very explicit steps. Included are Questions and Problems sections focusing on often-misunderstood areas; Closer Look sections reinforcing and strengthening understanding of the material; and non-conventional, but scientifically accurate explanations of certain phenomena.
Tanggal: 2022-11-08

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