Introduction to Communication Systems

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Introduction to Communication Systems

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Judul: Introduction to Communication Systems
Penulis: Ferrel G. Stremler
Abstrak: This text presents a throrough introduction to communication systems, with and emphasis on engineering aspects of signal waveform design and modulation. Its presentation skillfully connects development of mathematical principles to examples from current operating communication systems. Most importantly, explanations and exercises are carefully motivated with practical applications. Features Explanations of practical communication systems presented in the context of theory. Over 300 excellent illustrations help students visualize difficult concepts and demonstrate practical applications. Over 120 worked-out examples promote mastery of new concepts, plus over 130 drill problems with answers extend these principles. A wide variety of problems, all new to this edition -- including realistic applications, computer-based problems, and design problems. Coverage of current topics of interest, such as fiber optics, spread spectrum systems and Integrated Digital Services Networks.
Tanggal: 2022-12-04

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