Learn Arabic for Beginners

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Learn Arabic for Beginners

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Judul: Learn Arabic for Beginners
Penulis: Aziz Ennas
Abstrak: What? Arabic language is difficult? Frivolous! Or you haven't come across our book "Learn Arabic". Our book, dedicated to beginners and children, will allow you to discover and learn the Arabic language using a simple and effective teaching method Learn the Arabic alphabet, its graphics and sounds. Learn to pronounce and read Arabic using syllabic method. Discover most used expressions. Learn colors, animals, ... in Arabic. Practice Arabic letters writing. Simple, efficient and progressive, in a few days you will be able to read Arabic!
URI: http://books.google.co.id/books?id=dPS-zQEACAAJ&dq=intitle:dps&hl=&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-12-05

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