DPS Journal

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DPS Journal

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Judul: DPS Journal
Penulis: Dps LLC
Abstrak: Born as a solution for the side hustler, the DPS Journal is a weekly planner that helps you set goals, keep to-do lists, and reflect on the three most important areas of your life: your Day Job, Personal Life, and Side Hustle. The DPS Journal contains 12 week-long sections and each section contains a goals page, daily to-do lists, and summary reflections for the three DPS categories (Day Job, Personal Life, and Side Hustle). Set your goals and priorities in each category, track your to-dos, and reflect on your progress each week.Weekly inputs are flexible so you can pick it up and start any time. Use the DPS Journal to live your best life and keep those daily obstacles of procrastination and disorganization from slowing you down.
URI: http://books.google.co.id/books?id=A7IozAEACAAJ&dq=intitle:dps&hl=&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-12-05

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