English for the Financial Sector Student's Book

Publikasi Unusia

English for the Financial Sector Student's Book

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Judul: English for the Financial Sector Student's Book
Penulis: Ian MacKenzie
Abstrak: Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English for the Financial Sector also focuses on the communication skills necessary for working effectively within the industry. It covers a wide range of financial topics, including retail and investment banking, accounting, trade finance, and mergers and acquisitions. A Teacher's Book and Audio CD are also available.
URI: http://books.google.co.id/books?id=R8qZMQEACAAJ&dq=intitle:English&hl=&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-12-10

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