Learn English Series Angreji Ratein Nahi ; Seekhin 60 Days' Programme Mastering English Grammar

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Learn English Series Angreji Ratein Nahi ; Seekhin 60 Days' Programme Mastering English Grammar

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Judul: Learn English Series Angreji Ratein Nahi ; Seekhin 60 Days' Programme Mastering English Grammar
Penulis: SC Gupta
Abstrak: To understand and make the practical use of the grammatical rules is a challenge poised at various competitive exams. Students preparing for various competitive exams need elucidated grammar rules that are explained in a very easy and understandable language. Practical English Grammar & Composition is the hand book and an easy guide to learn English aimed at learning and improving knowledge of grammar and its applicability. In order to make the students conversant with the practical applicability of the grammar rules, sentences depicting the right usage are also given after the rules. A number of solved exercises are also given after the chapters that enable the students test their acquired knowledge. Word Powers section is a unique feature of the book that will play a crucial role in making the students ready to face the competitions ahead. Table of ContentTo understand and make the practical use of the grammatical rules is a challenge poised at various competitive exams. Students preparing for various competitive exams need elucidated grammar rules that are explained in a very easy and understandable language. Practical English Grammar & Composition is the hand book and an easy guide to learn English aimed at learning and improving knowledge of grammar and its applicability. In order to make the students conversant with the practical applicability of the grammar rules, sentences depicting the right usage are also given after the rules.
URI: http://books.google.co.id/books?id=r2LvDwAAQBAJ&dq=intitle:English&hl=&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-12-10

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