Educational Technology: Integrating Innovations in Nursing Education

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Educational Technology: Integrating Innovations in Nursing Education

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Judul: Educational Technology: Integrating Innovations in Nursing Education
Penulis: Punitha Ezhilarasu
Abstrak: Teaching skills are critical to nursing profession and use of educational technology becomes an important medium to impart the skills. This also promotes students and learning. On the other hand, innovations that suit today and learners are essential to enhance and sustain the students and interest and understanding. Keeping in mind these basic principles, this book has been authored by one of the most senior and experience teacher. The BSc Nursing syllabus by INC forms the basis for content selection of the book. Simplicity, clarity and logical presentation are distinct hallmarks of the book. Chapter outline, objectives and summaries together with tables, figures, examples and graphic materials in every chapter guide the readers throughout the book.
Tanggal: 2022-12-16

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