Technology and Its Impact on Educational Leadership: Innovation and Change

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Technology and Its Impact on Educational Leadership: Innovation and Change

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Judul: Technology and Its Impact on Educational Leadership: Innovation and Change
Penulis: Victor C.X.; Wang
Abstrak: Educational leadership draws upon interdisciplinary literature, but distinguishes itself through its focus on pedagogy, epistemology, and human development. As a field of study, it has prescribed pertinent philosophies and practices and has specified specific roles for school administrators and teachers. Technology and Its Impact on Educational Leadership: Innovation and Change covers not only K-12 and higher education leadership, but also the relationship between Web 2.0 technologies and educational leadership. Contributions within this book discuss chronic issues in the study of to technology and its impact on educational leadership that have perplexed educational establishments. This work promotes learning and further research for professors, scholars, researchers, and graduate students involved in educational leadership and related fields.
Tanggal: 2022-12-16

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