Practical Perspectives on Educational Theory and Game Development

Publikasi Unusia

Practical Perspectives on Educational Theory and Game Development

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Judul: Practical Perspectives on Educational Theory and Game Development
Penulis: Fabio Perez; Felipe Antonio de; Marzullo; Oliveira
Abstrak: The video game market continues to increase, reaching millions of users on a variety of platforms and revealing how engaging and pervasive gaming can be. Games create engagement and offer both entertainment and a powerful way to understand and interact with the world. It is natural that educators see the potential of games as a learning tool that can support students who have difficulties learning and also reinvent it. Practical Perspectives on Educational Theory and Game Development is a critical scholarly resource that combines educational scenarios and game fundamentals in order to improve the way people learn and evolve. The book supports professionals with the creation of strategies for using gamification and game-based learning theory with effectiveness and measured results. Featuring a wide range of topics such as entrepreneurship, gamification, and traditional learning, this book is ideal for academicians, education professionals, curriculum designers, educational game developers, researchers, and students.
Tanggal: 2022-12-16

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