Educational Innovation in Society 5.0 Era: Challenges and Opportunities

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Educational Innovation in Society 5.0 Era: Challenges and Opportunities

Tampilkan catatan item sederhana Herwin Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo 2023-01-10T06:26:36Z 2023-01-10T06:26:36Z 2022-12-16
dc.identifier.isbn 1000468437
dc.identifier.isbn 9781000468434
dc.description.abstract This book consists of a selection of papers that discuss the challenges in the increasingly complex world of education and various educational problems such as moral degradation, lack of literacy, pedagogical curriculum and innovation, educational technology. Moreover, the book provides papers that deal with educational innovation in the era of Society 5.0, with a view to discuss and resolve various social challenges, issues, and problems relating to educators, students, the dynamics of the education system, and social dynamics. The subject areas treated in this book are: Character Education in Society 5.0 Era, Multiliteracy Education in Society 5.0 Era, Early Childhood Education in Society 5.0 Era, Inclusive Education in Society 5.0 Era, Curriculum, Media and Educational Technology for Primary Education in Society 5.0 Era, Joyful and Meaningful Learning in Society 5.0 Era, and HOTS in Society 5.0 Era. This book will help educators, stakeholders, and also parents to cope with the challenges in education.
dc.format Text
dc.language en
dc.publisher Routledge
dc.subject Social Science
dc.title Educational Innovation in Society 5.0 Era: Challenges and Opportunities
dc.type Textbook

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