Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings

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Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings

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Judul: Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings
Penulis: Murniati Mukhlisin; Othman Altwijry; Toseef Azid
Abstrak: This book addresses the theory, practices, challenges, key issues and potential future policies concerning investment and wealth management in connection with Islamic finance. There is a noted scarcity of literature on Islamic approaches towards wealth management from a jurisprudential perspective, and so this book aims to address this lacuna in available literature. It demonstrates strategies for wealth management in keeping with the Qur’an and Sunn’ah, posing questions relating to interest and investment, and proposing financial models for benefiting the poorer segments of society while simultaneously satisfying economic necessities in keeping with Islamic law. Given its breadth of scope, combining perspectives from scholars and practitioners with extensive experience in the banking and finance sector from different Islamic settings including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Brunei and Indonesia, this edited volume will benefit practitioners, researchers, and graduate students studying finance, economics and business management in an Islamic context.
URI: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=upCREAAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api
Tanggal: 2022-10-11

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